A galactic eleven of shares for the Champions of the dividend

Eleven shares, eleven galactic bets for portfolios eager for dividends. Or what is the same, a bouquet first continental swords with an attractive dividend yield based on recurring and predictable payments, to have few surprises.

This is what Bankinter analysts are proposing in their fourth quarter 'Prospects' report, a bet that seeks "value and stability, with recurring and sustainable flows to shareholders, rather than rapid growth." Moreover, the experts point out that they have made this selection "prioritizing the sustainability of dividends in the long term based on the fundamentals of the companies chosen".

Analysts add that "all companies have solid fundamentals and are generally leaders in their natural markets." They are quoted, all in euros, in the main benchmark indexes and offer high liquidity, which in Bankinter consider that "the risk of blocking when withdrawing positions would be very low."

Until September 21 of this year, this selection shows a rise of 3.7% in terms of revaluation, plus approximately 5.4% for dividends that either have already been collected or will be received before December 31st. That, for now, would result in a joint return of 9.1%. "We believe that this is a proposal especially appropriate for the current moment," they post on Bankinter.

1.- Endesa: The highest dividend yield of the group is offered by Endesa, with 6.9%, although in that year, its shares have fallen by 4%. Defensive value par excellence, is hurt when the yields of the bonds, which are the assets against which it normally competes, rise. Of the consensus of 27 analysts who cover value (according to Bloomberg), 15% recommend buying, 37% selling and 48% maintaining.

2.- Enagás: One of the best dividend yields in the national park, with 6.1%, is what Enagás offers, another classic defensive value with low operational and regulatory risk. Not even a negative scenario could compromise the payment of dividends in this classic of the portfolios that seek 'cash' via remuneration to shareholders. For the period 2017-2020, analysts of Ahorro Corporación expect annual dividend growth of 5%, which yields a dividend yield of 5.5%, of the highest of the listed.

3 .- Abertis: Again another book defensive normally tends to compete with the bonds, but with a yield of 4.5% via dividend, offers a remuneration far superior to government debt. In addition, in this case, who had this year in the portfolio has benefited from a 30% increase thanks to the tender launched by Atlantia to 16.5 euros. The current price, something above 17 euros, discounted that either Atlantia will offer a price improvement, or ACS will present a counter-tender by the Catalan concessionaire. Maybe there is not much room to improve those 17 euros, because the price offered by the Italian is already very demanding. On the downside, the risk is that ACS finally does not present its offer and does not force the Italians to increase those 16.5 euros. At Bankinter, the company, including control premium, valued at 18 euros.

4.- Iberdrola: The first of the large Spanish electricity companies offers a dividend yield of 4.9% and this year has revalued slightly more than 6%. Bankinter experts have included it in their model portfolio. On the one hand, they foresee an "improvement in results for the second half of the year". They point to new tariff revisions in networks and new capacity in renewables. In addition, some of the factors that affected in the first semester will reduce their impact; the wind and hydraulic resources will be normalized and the impact of the closing of Longannet (GB) or the depreciation of the pound will soften. And of course, they have the positive impact of the IPO of Neoenergía, its Brazilian subsidiary.

5.- Red Eléctrica: Any portfolio for quiet investors could include without problems to REE, which with a dividend yield of 5.2% is another of the classic defensive. Perhaps the worst news is that their titles have fallen slightly more than 1% this year. 29% of analysts who follow value recommend buying and 52% opt to keep, while 19% bet on selling. In a recent report, analysts at Alantra Equities have recommended 'strong buy' or a strong buyout, target price of 21.5 euros, which offers a potential upside of 20%.

6. Total: French oil company Total has a yield of 5.1%; among the points that could be attractive to incorporate in portfolios is the fact that it has received a heavy punishment in summer, so it can be caught at interesting prices (PER18 12 times compared to 13 times the EuroStoxx50). At Bankinter, they point out that

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