The EU warns that "now more than ever" needs a "strong" Germany

It was not the who, but the how. The mystery of the winner has long been resolved. Yes, the usual, Angela Merkel. The key was to know its power, with whom it would be forced to agree to govern. Brussels crossed its fingers in favor of the great coalition with the European democrats Martin Schulz, but on the same Sunday, Schulz himself confirmed that he would be the head of the opposition, that to continue under the skirts of the invincible Merkel would suppose the end of its historic party.

The great coalition is over and this, for the EU, is not good news at a time when the re-founding of the club is at stake. The sensation is not so much pessimism (now, the glass always looks half full), but of "expectation" and even "a certain discouragement" because it is feared that the winds of cola no longer blow with so much force. This is confirmed by community sources, who continue to rely on the resurrection of the great Franco-German axis thanks to Hurricane Emmanuel Macron.

There are victories that deceive and this, perhaps, is one of them. And it is, above all, by the historic result of the extreme right, which returns to the Bundestag for the first time since World War II and also by the great gate as third force. The old ghosts return to the great power of a Europe that has been battling extreme right-wing populism in Austria, the Netherlands or France for years. As we have seen in Germany, the risk remains latent, as Jean-Claude Juncker, chair of the Commission, is not uncomfortable with.

That the EU is experiencing moments of great importance for its future can be seen in the protocolary letter of congratulation that the Luxembourgish man sent to the chancellor "for his historic fourth consecutive victory". In it and "in the light of the major global challenges", he recalled that, now, "more than ever, we need a German Government to actively help design our continent". As her spokeswoman, Margaritis Schinas, revealed, Juncker also spoke yesterday on the telephone with her and with Martin Schulz, with whom he unites a great friendship. "The president is loyal," Schinas said. What did they talk about? That is for the private sphere.

Once the grand coalition is over, the 'Jamaica operation' has been activated, the three coalition between the CDU / CSU Conservatives (black), the FDP liberals (yellow) and the Greens - are the three colors of the Jamaican flag -. Four years ago, the Liberals even stayed out of the Bundestag after four years forming coalition with Merkel and now hopefully they will not make the same mistakes of the past if they decide to give stability to the chancellor.

Today, Macron's turn

This is where the concerns of Brussels begin, which has proposed an ambitious EU integration of 27, without the United Kingdom, around the euro. That if you close the Banking Union, that if a superminister of Finance only, that if a European Monetary Fund ... Projects of enormous depth that the liberals is not that they do not share, is that they defend the opposite, as you could see in the time of the rescues to Greece. And eye, its leader, Christian Lindner, said in campaign that if they decide to enter the Government, they will ask for the all-powerful portfolio of the minister of Finance, now presided over by Wolfgang Schauble.

Meanwhile, in Paris, Emmanuel Macron does not give up and today, from the Soborna, will once again ratify its commitment to re-found the Union at the hand of Berlin and based on greater integration through the single currency. If speech is much expected from Brussels, as evidenced by the fact that Juncker spoke this weekend with the French president on the new situation facing the club. He is now or never very present.

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