The leadership of the future is to humanize business and technology

Technology advances faster and more disruptively every day. Given this situation will be the people in charge of driving innovation to achieve human benefit. Precisely, the humanization of business and technology is the central theme of the World Business Forum held this week in Madrid under the motto Humanification - Humanization.

The event - organized by World of Business Ideas, WOBI - has been able to bring together experts from different areas, such as marketing and human resources, with renowned entrepreneurs, such as Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin brand, multinational companies.

Thus, in a world that is constantly evolving, "it is necessary to pay attention to what makes us human," WOBI global content director Chris Stanley explained at the congress's inauguration. enhance the creativity of your team and put technology at the service of people. "

In this way, the presentations of the event have in common put people at the center of the organizations and try to give the necessary tools to the attendees so that they manage to take their companies to the maximum potential based on creativity and teamwork .

Delegate responsibilities
"Find someone better than you to manage the day-to-day business tasks," with this idea began the presentation of Virgin Group founder Richard Branson. In this sense, Branson considered that relegating their daily responsibilities helps "not lose the illusion in the business." This idea of ​​management is what has allowed the employer to devote part of his time to social work from the Virgin Unite foundation.

Despite having a fortune that exceeds 5,000 million euros, Branson explained that a company "should not work for benefits, but should be a tool to help the world." With these words, the businessman argued that the company should have a social impact. In fact, among other things, it showed its part more committed to the environment, emphasizing the need for companies to reduce their carbon emissions.

Along with this more revindictive idea, Branson also defended a positive vision of the world, affirming that it is at its best: "Every five years we live better, there is less poverty, less malnutrition, etc." That's why, according to the founder of Virgin Group, "you have to look for the positive of people and work together, because we have all the ingredients."

Finally, networking is consolidated as another of the bases of the forum, where attendees and speakers can share opinions.

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