They sell on the internet iPhone 7 to 2x1 watch out, it's a fraud!

A new farce is circulating on the Internet, it is the alleged sale of iPhones to 2x1 in the online store Linio, which takes advantage of the ignorance of users to cheat them.

The fraud was dismantled by the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) and the online sale of articles online.

How does fraud work?

An email is sent to the victim, where he is informed of the alleged 2x1 offer in the purchase of an iPhone 7 (Network). Later, the buyer opens a link that comes in the message, which directs to an apocryphal page of Linio that requests personal and bank information to make the "order" that never arrives.

To avoid fraud Condusef issued the following recommendations:

Do not reply to any suspicious email or unknown senders.
Never enter passwords, especially banking, to any verified site.
Avoid providing your financial information.

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