Esfumó Finance of Oaxaca 6 mmdp in past administration

During the period from 2012 to 2016, diversions of resources for 6 billion pesos were committed in the Oaxaca Ministry of Finance, said the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, Jorge Emilio Irruegas Álvarez.

The official said that some of the amounts would be related to illicit enrichment of ex-officials who are already investigated.

There are questions of 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, for various issues, some related to bridge credit, he said.

"Just the revisions made by the State Comptroller's Office, the Public Service Secretariat and the Superior Audit of the Federation, only in the Finance Ministry, are more than 6 billion pesos, which is not have been solved, "he said.

Breach of purpose

Eventually of the investigations, it was possible to conclude that this money was used for other purposes, including the subject of illicit enrichment or some distraction with the change of purpose that at present is not supported with documentation.

As part of the investigations, "he went on," the actors have been detected and where resources were allocated. "There is clarity in this regard, there is good coordination with federal agencies, in financial and fiscal matters," he said.

To give solides to the investigations, "he added," it is not intended that in one or two months the entire film of the previous administration be had, "They are 6 years that must be revisable. The best way to be successful is to walk at a slow but solid pace. "

Irruegas Álvarez said that investigations have been opened against more former officials and said that before the end of October, "there will be more news of a couple of former officials who would be brought before the judicial authority."

In the case of former finance secretary Gerardo Cajiga Estrada, he emphasized that he is not exempt. If it is in safeguard, "he said," it is because that was determined by authority. "The process continues and will continue, and the public prosecutor's office can impose 15 years of prison if it concludes."

He stated that any former official who is bringing before the judge, will have all the tools to be able to defend themselves, the sentence will legitimize the prosecution.

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