Will Clarify Finance Doubts About ISN

He emphasized that another important aspect of this financial report relates to the origin, as well as the application of the stock exchange of funds raised in at least the previous two years, the way the state government has administered them, according to their powers and legal attributions, and investment expectations regarding this state tax and other federal funds that together are an important basis for the development of public works of the State.
A relevant aspect that will be considered is the collection that is made in Coahuila of 2 percent of the ISN that is low, while in other entities it is greater like Chihuahua of 3 percent; Nuevo Leon, 3 percent; Durango 2.45 percent and San Luis Potosí, 2.5 percent.

According to the Secretary of Finance, "for various reasons the ISN meetings have not been regularized and we know of the concern that some of its members have been characterized by their constant concern that this state tax be exercised in a transparent and timely manner And it is important to note that in the ISN committees in each region, the amounts are approved, the works to be executed, but also that all the income derived from the contributions is not destined for a specific purpose, but the public expenditure in general ".
All the doubts they may have regarding the pending projects and projects and even regarding the ISN's permanence in the next state administration, "we are going to clear the representatives of cameras and business organizations in the meeting that we will celebrate with them next week "according to the Secretary of Finance.

Ramos Flores points out that the exercise of public spending in general and the different funds of which it is integrated, are published in the transparency portal of the State.
"But, moreover, it is subject to the revisions of the Superior Audit of the Federation, the Secretariat of the Federal Public Function, Superior Audit of the State and the Secretariat of Control and Accountability."

As part of the information for entrepreneurs, they will be explained how the state government manages a control tool called the Integral Public Investment System in which the records of the exercise of the resource for public works and other government actions are administered. allow precisely that there be control in this area and do not duplicate payments.

This year, as announced in February by the Ministry of Finance, the projection to raise ISN was about 300 million pesos.
In mid-July, representatives of business organizations affiliated to the Technical Committee on Payroll Tax (ISN) conducted a tour to monitor progress in different works that are carried out in Torreón and whose execution was scheduled for the last three years .

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